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  • 主演: LjubomirBulajic,MilenaZivanovic,丹妮卡·马克瑟莫维奇
  • 导演: 未知
  • 分类: 剧情
  • 地区:欧美
  • 年份: 2016
  • 更新: 2021-03-14
  • 简介: This is the story about Todor, hardworking and ambitious student. He lives with his mother in very modest life. But, in a strange way, seemingly by accident, Visnja appears, desperate, pregnant girl who needs help and protection. Their relationship quickly turns into love, which is further complicated when Todor decide to establish a relationship with his father, a successful businessman who has left them when Todor was a child. But who is Visnja, and who the bad guys are? Who are the heroes and whether there are any...
