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  • 主演: 馬達範,納賽爾,RitikaSingh,MumtazSorcar
  • 導演: 未知
  • 分類: 動作
  • 地區:其它
  • 年份: 2016
  • 更新: 2020-07-07
  • 簡介: Prabhu (Madhavan) is an audacious boxing coach, who does not have a good name at Indian Boxing Federation. Least impressed by the existing boxers in Chennai, an intrepid fisher-woman Madhie (Ritika Singh), who accompanies her boxer sister Lux (Mumtaz Sorcar) for training grabs the attention of Prabhu. Prabhu feels that she is a naturally gifted boxer and even pays 500 bucks a day so that she undergoes training. At one point of time, Madhie falls in love with Prabhu and loses a qualifier, which in turn irks the latter and he sends her back to home. Can Madhi triumph against all the odds against her 
