當前位置: 首頁  »   电视剧  »  邊境第三季HD


  • 主演: JamesMcGowan,GrahamAbbey,JonasChernick
  • 導演: 未知
  • 分類: 歐美
  • 地區:歐美
  • 年份: 2009
  • 更新: 2020-07-07
  • 簡介: 加拿大CBC台最新劇集《邊境》講述了加拿大入境海關小組的故事。在這個後911時代,加拿大和美國之間曾經毫無防備的邊境不再像往常一樣。本劇講述了Major Mike領導的加拿大ICS保衛邊境的故事。 The cases of the Canadian Immigration and Customs Security Squad. In this post-9/11 world the once "undefended border" that divides Canada and the U.S. is no longer considered soft. This CBC programs lifts stories from the headlines to fuel an action-packed dramatic series about maintaining security in today"s world. The series follows the Immigration and Customs Service"s (ICS) main team lead by Major Mike...
