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  • 主演: Luis,Alfonso,Londoño,Carlos,Mayolo,Luis,Ospina
  • 導演: 未知
  • 分類: 喜劇
  • 地區:哥倫比亞
  • 年份: 1977
  • 更新: 2021-03-14
  • 簡介:

    看看這段片尾導縯對“黑人阿哥”的採訪你就會知道爲何這個原名叫Luis Alfonso Londoño的家夥是史上最牛非職業縯員之一了。。。:) Carlos Mayolo: What would you say to those who make films? Luis Alfonso Londoño: Around here they say the cows that shit the best films are Americans, right? And they've been shitting for a while now, but not anymore. There are others who shit higher and better. We Colobians also have a talent for moving around in front of a movie camera. even if we lack culture. Why not? :)

